A Road Map to life-long Happiness for Your Teen or Young Adult

social skills teens needHow often have you thought, “They just don’t teach kids what they need to become happy, healthy adults?”

Here’s what one reviewer said about “Social Skills Teens Need to Survive High School.”

I thoroughly enjoyed this read and think it is highly needed tool for teenagers. I’ve been a recruiter for 25 years and have many teenagers navigate through various issues, situations, etc. many of the skills outlined in this book are no longer taught in schools as they were when I went to school. And then add how social media has impacted teenagers and their various communication skills – this books timing is perfect.


Don’t Let Your Teen be The Kid in the Corner

Technology is great! It’s connecting people in ways we never thought possible. But it’s also taking a toll on the social skills of children and young adults.

What happens when your teen leaves the small comfy confines of elementary and middle school? They’re tossed into the deep end with sharks that surround, thrash, and nip at their self-esteem.

If your teen is to have any chance of graduating high school in one piece, they must develop their social skills

Learn what good life skills can do for your teen, and what a happy teen looks like.

I am a teacher and know how much our students need social skills. There are so many teens that do not understand social norms and need them to be taught. I love how this book helps build assertiveness and confidence.

Amazon Customer,

With guidance and new assertiveness skills, your teen becomes the CEO of their life.


  • boost self confidence
  • feel empowered
  • recognize and efficiently manage emotions
  • get deserved respect
  • improve communication skills
  • better problem solving
  • strong healthy relationships
  • pride in self and performance

I wish I had this book when I was in highschool.
It reads in a way to get kids interested in learning!
I myself am taking things away from this book for my own social awkwardness!
As a parent I really appreciate the way this book explains in easily understandable for teens and parents alike!
So any parent that needs something to help their teen adapt to highschool, this is the book for you! And this amazing author has written a workbook that goes along with this book, I suggest that you give that one a try as well!!


Social Skills Teens Need To Survive High School Is About More than Just Changing Lives through Assertiveness

In its carefully researched pages, it covers all the social skills your teen needs, including:

  • How to set and respect boundaries
  • Learn self value
  • Uncover strengths and weaknesses
  • Build confidence from knowing who they are
  • Body language-non verbal communication
confident teen

This book is extremely insightful. As a mother to a preteen, I see all of these issues regularly. Teenagers can have a lot of trouble communicating their needs without blowing up, and this book gives some very good tips and strategies for them. I love that there was a chapter that put a focus on how to talk to teachers as well as their peers. Something I really loved was that the author laid out several scenarios in many of the chapters that lay out different situations and how a teen should handle them in an effective, communicative way. Not only scenarios, but the author relayed specific wording that would relay what the teenager would like and an effective way to communicate that. Very strategic, useful information. I would highly recommend this to both teenagers and parents of teenagers.


And Still, There’s More

A thorough and in-depth look into

  • self reflection
  • understanding core values
  • Knowing who sets the rules

With entire sections dedicated to

  • Winning at school
  • Getting it done at your job
  • Dating wih assertiveness

Let’s Not Forget The Workbook And 37 Real-life Situations With Solutions Your Teen Can Practice To Build Confidence

Question and Answer formatted examples of what to do when faced with real-life situations. Complete with practice sections, personal values selection, and more. Your Teen can even Declare their own personal Bill Of Rights.






What comes to mind when you think about yourself or other teens in high school? Of course, everyone imagines teenagers differently, but the impressions usually consist of similar characteristics. You might be thinking of a young adult who prefers to keep their eyes glued to their phone screen. How often do you see groups of teens sitting together, each on their phones instead of talking to the people right next to them?

These days teenagers, like yourself, struggle with the one skill that your parents and grandparents thrived on socializing with people in the physical world.

The reasons you feel more comfortable speaking with people online are completely understandable. You get to be whoever you want to be without the risk of being judged. If you do or say something embarrassing, you can end the conversation or block the other person. If things go wrong on-line, you have options that you wouldn’t otherwise have, like ghosting a person.

With the range of possibilities, nobody can blame you for feeling more secure with your virtual connections. Talking with people around the world has become
easier thanks to technology. But teens may struggle to communicate with those who are physically near them, although it doesn’t have to be that way. Would you
believe it’s possible to become just as assertive in real life as online?

So, what does an assertive teenager look like, anyway? Well, they have the confidence to get what they want in life, are open about what they want and need from
others, and don’t allow anyone to treat them like a pushover. They manage their anxiety when it arises rather than letting it grow and fester inside, only to
lead to a major breakdown. They feel like they can handle anything life throws at them and have the confidence to face a conflict head on when it rears its ugly
head. Even if you would normally describe yourself as an introvert, that doesn’t mean that you cannot communicate openly or be assertive. Preferring to spend your time alone and enjoying the peace you find in the comfort of your own home shouldn’t limit or diminish your range of social skills. In all actuality, having an introverted personality and being assertive is an impressive combination.

You’re probably saying to yourself, how is that even possible? But think about it. Normally, all the choices and words an introverted person uses are intentional. They say what they mean and mean what they say, probably because they prefer to use the least number of words possible to prove their point while also avoiding conflict. If an introvert can apply this to being assertive, then it’s an undeniable recipe for success…

High school is a time in your life that includes many areas of conflict. Sometimes it may be within your close circle of friends, people who pretend to be your friend, bullies, your coworkers, or even your parents. Although nobody likes to argue with the people they love, or the people they don’t like, for that matter, conflict is some times necessary. It reminds you that there’s a reason you set boundaries for yourself, and it teaches you how to resolve the dispute using a reasonable and some times creative solution.

Bringing a conflict to an end also helps you take control over your life. Taking control of your life means that you understand your rights as a human being. This will allow you to maintain and effectively use the boundaries you have set. While everyone has the right to say “no,” they also must understand that the word comes with consequences when it’s used to show defiance. Deciding not to do something when it crosses your boundaries is completely acceptable and goes to show that you set the rules for your life. You just need to remember to use the word “no” responsibly.


When you read the words “Bill of Rights,” you probably had a flashback to your American History class as you learned about the formation of the country. If you
recall, the Bill of Rights is a list of basic human rights that each of its citizens deserves; it governs their treatment. Well, a Personal Bill of Rights is similar, except it comprises the rights you give yourself regarding how you expect to be treated. It helps you maintain your boundaries and reminds you when it’s time to say “no” because someone is at risk of pushing the limits you set.

If you’re unsure of what a Personal Bill of Rights might look like, here are a few examples to give you an idea:

  • I have the right to express myself and my emotions, even if they’re negative.
  • I have the right to say “no” when I feel uncomfortable with a situation.
  • I have the right to change my mind without feeling guilty about it.
  • I have the right to prioritize my life without the influence of others.
  • I have the right to be angry with someone, even if they’re a family member.
  • I have the right to be silly and be myself.
  • I have the right to make my own decisions about my life.
  • I have the right to have my needs fulfilled, even if others don’t agree with them.
  • I have the right to decline an invitation without making an excuse.
  • I have the right to keep my personal life private.
  • I have the right to respect myself and make sure others respect me as well.
  • I have the right to only maintain healthy relationships and choose to discontinue others that make me feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
  • I have the right to be happy with my body, my personality, and myself.
  • I have the right to love myself unconditionally and look out for my own best interests

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