Make the Most Of your High school Years by developing New Social Skills that help make friends, thwart enemies, and build your confidence.
Does the thought of starting high school breed a mix of deep emotions–from intense excitement to mind-numbing dread?
Are you wondering how you will fit in with new peers while you navigate the difficulties of this new, unforgiving territory?
Don’t be a target for bullies and phony friends. Learn to set boundaries for yourself and use assertiveness to thrive.
Avoid unnecessary conflicts, and learn to communicate effectively with parents, teachers, even your boss.
During your teenage years, it’s easy to become overwhelmed while learning to handle life as a young adult.
As you interact with people from all walks of life and face novel experiences, you can expect a few bumps in the road–but don’t let them hold you back!
Unlock new personal skills to overcome life’s toughest challenges.
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